Fall 2017
Conducted research, modeling, FEA, printing, and mechanical testing (Instron) on this natural glass sponge
Spring 2017
Built a custom designed injection molded yo-yo (sugar cookie design) for the final project in a manufacturing class. Extensive design and manufacturing involved
Modeling, simulating, building, and testing a full carbon fiber bike frame from scratch. Modeled in NX, and simulated using NX Structure and Laminates FEA
Fall 2016
Cast my MIT Brass Rat in bronze, bismuth, and several other metals
Fall 2016
Built a custom burlap bike seat as part of a How to Make Almost Anything project.
Summer 2016
Designed and built a custom battery management system pcb for up to 192 Li-Ion or LIPO cells in series
Spring 2016
Built several large multi-driver speakers for the Burton Conner C3 lounge