
From embedded programming to casting and large format machine design, these are all projects that I've personally worked on over the years. I've attempted to document as well as possible, but if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email.

Featured Projects

Study on the Venus Flower Basket

Fall 2017
Conducted research, modeling, FEA, printing, and mechanical testing (Instron) on this natural glass sponge

Injection Molded Yo-Yo

Spring 2017
Built a custom designed injection molded yo-yo (sugar cookie design) for the final project in a manufacturing class. Extensive design and manufacturing involved

New Casting Sand Formulation

Spring 2017
Designed and testing a new formulation of casting sand based on some old patents that works well and hardens fast for metals casting

Voronoi Cell Night Stand

Fall 2016
Designed and printed a custom vornoi cell based night stand

Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Fall 2016
Designed, built, and tested a microscope from scratch with the capability to 'see' atoms...

Ongoing Projects

Custom Designed Carbon Fiber Bike

Modeling, simulating, building, and testing a full carbon fiber bike frame from scratch. Modeled in NX, and simulated using NX Structure and Laminates FEA

DIY Raman Spectrometer

Designing and building a low cost Raman Spectrometer. Work in progress

Ultrasonic Additive Metal Printer

Designing a low cost, low temperature, desktop sized 3D metal printer that uses an ultrasonic direct write process with Prof. Hart at MIT

Prusa i3 FDM Printer Build

Designing and building a variant of the Prusa i3 FDM printer model

Other Projects

MIT Brass Rat Custom Castings

Fall 2016
Cast my MIT Brass Rat in bronze, bismuth, and several other metals

8x8x8 LED Cube

Fall 2016
Built a large led cube and fabricated custom pcb for it

Composite (burlap) Bike Seat Test

Fall 2016
Built a custom burlap bike seat as part of a How to Make Almost Anything project.

Laser Cut Cherry Floral Pattern

Fall 2016
Designed, laser cut, and stained a cherry board with a floral pattern cut into it for a mother's day present

Shopbot Cut Small Bench Design

Fall 2016
Built a small press fit bench for How to Make Almost Anything Class

BMS PCB Design

Summer 2016
Designed and built a custom battery management system pcb for up to 192 Li-Ion or LIPO cells in series

Lounge Speakers

Spring 2016
Built several large multi-driver speakers for the Burton Conner C3 lounge

Solar Cell Build

Spring 2015
Designed, simulated, and built a custom solar cell over the course of the semester in one of MIT's clean room labs as part of a class project

Crystal Growing Fun

High School
Pictures of some crystals I grew in high school (potassium ferricyanide, copper sulphate, chrome alum, ammonium alum, etc.). Above is a chrome alum crystal - the single unit cell is easily visible.